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The CM2 Team boasts many years industry experience and, as such, have devised a wide-range of products that enable companies active within the field of nutrition to accurately and consistently target their key customers. Through it’s publication and additional products, CM2 offers cross-platform promotional opportunities – via print, online and email – all under one roof! Quite simply, we are your voice in clinical, medical & health nutrition.

Through Complete Nutrition (CN) Magazine we are able to offer an unrivalled range of promotional opportunities, which can be tailored to met your specific requirements. Listed below are some of the most popular options available:

  • Advertisements/advertorials
  • Barndoor cover
  • Front & back fold-out covers
  • False front cover
  • Bound or loose literature inserts/outserts
  • Bellyband/bookmark bellybands (horizontal or vertical)
  • Cover mounts/product sample attachments
  • Sponsored articles
  • Company profile editorial
  • Product news coverage
  • Column sponsorship
  • Recruitment advertising
  • CNPD – Continual professional development sponsorship

Click here to view our Media Pack which contains further details and costs. Alternatively, contact Carly on:
t: +44 (0)1920 449 128 or e: is the subject to over 87,500 unique visits per annum, attracting nutrition & dietetic professionals professionals who collectively average 14,000 page views per month. Consequently, it’s an ideal platform for your promotion. Opportunities include:

  • Web banner advertising
  • Recruitment advertising
  • Event advertising
  • Online sponsored research
  • Downloadable literature
  • Video/webinar placement
  • Sponsored content – CN Extra
  • Product news
  • CN professional development (CNPD) sponsorship

Click here to view our Media Pack which contains further details and costs. Alternatively, contact Carly on:
t: +44 (0)1920 449 128 or e:

CN e-news
CN e-news is the ideal option for companies who wish to target nutrition & dietetic professionals directly via email. Circulated twice monthly to over 5,600 individuals (all of whom have subscribed to receive it), the following opportunities are available:

  • Product News coverage
  • ‘Product of the month’
  • Banner ad placement
  • ‘Job of the month’ recruitment advertising
  • ‘Event of the month’ conference advertising
  • ‘Resource of the month’
  • ‘Webinar of the month’
  • Sponsored article circulation
  • Sponsored research questionnaire

CN e-shots
CN e-shots are bespoke promotional emails dedicated to your brand. CN e-shots are sent directly to over 5,600 nutrition & dietetic professionals and are an ideal option whether you are wishing to promote a product or service, a job advertisement or raise awareness of a forthcoming conference.

Click here to view our Media Pack which contains further details and costs. Alternatively, contact Carly on:
t: +44 (0)1920 449 128 or e:

Successfully launched in 2010, the annual CN Awards comprise of 11 Award categories, recognising the achievements of those whose work has made a significant difference within the nutrition industry – whether as an individual, group or organisation.

The annual CN Awards represent an outstanding promotional opportunity for companies active within the industry. Indeed, those opting to sponsor a category will benefit from comprehensive coverage in CN Magazine,  CN e-news, CN e-shots and via:

Click here to view our Media Pack which contains further detail and costs. Alternatively, contact Carly on:
t: +44 (0)1920 449 128 or e:

CN Surveys enable you to reach our unique audience of nutrition health professionals with a dedicated survey that is bespoke to your needs and unique to your purpose.  This product from CN affords you the opportunity to cost-effectively gather opinions, gain the views of your customer base, and then utilise the results to further your sales, marketing or overall business goals.

Click here to view our Media Pack which contains further details and costs. Alternatively, contact Carly on:
t: +44 (0)1920 449 128 or e:

CN Emailers

Including CN e-news and CN e-shots - Keeping you up-to-date with the latest nutrition news, products & events.

Click here to sign up


Paediatric focus

A dedicated section focusing on paediatric nutrition information and resources.

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Competitions & surveys

Share your views and WIN.

Click here for more information


2024 CN Awards

WINNERS Announced!

Click here to see this years winners


Videos & webinars

Easy access to educational videos & webinars covering nutrition & dietetics.

Click here to view


Diary dates

Key events on the nutrition & dietetic calendar that are not to be missed.

Click here to see

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