How is it defined and why is it controversial?
Defining enteral feeding intolerance in clinical practice has been controversial due to the variability in the indicators used, the lack of standardised measurements and the subjective nature of symptoms. In children, particularly the young, communicating symptoms effectively or reliably may be challenging or impossible. The clinical presentation also depends on the stage of gastrointestinal development, growth requirements and the child’s age, as well as the underlying clinical condition.1 There is currently no universally agreed definition of enteral feeding intolerance; together, this lack of consensus complicates its assessment and the delivery of adequate nutrition.2 Unnecessary or prolonged feeding interruptions due to enteral feeding intolerance assessments can result in underfeeding, which is especially detrimental for critically ill children who have high energy and growth requirements. While overly lenient approaches could risk complications such as aspiration.3 As such, striking a balance is difficult.
What does the latest evidence say?
Published towards the end of last year, a scoping review examined the range of measurements used to assess enteral feeding intolerance in critically ill children from evidence between 2004-2023. Across 32 articles, included mainly from the US, China and Spain, key indicators of enteral feeding intolerance used were:4
Although many other symptoms were listed, such as nausea, abdominal pain, increased bowel sounds and gastrointestinal haemorrhage, there was no assessment detail provided.4
Other than GRV, some novel measurements of gastric emptying were listed but less commonly used due to logistical limitations and a lack of agreed objective standards: 1) ultrasound of the gastric antrum diameters (in a supine position and a right lateral decubitus position) to calculate the gastric content volume; and 2) acetaminophen absorption test, whereby increases in blood concentrations reflect gastric emptying (as acetaminophen cannot be absorbed in the stomach).4
So, what does this mean?
This latest scoping review highlights the extent of variation in each indicator of enteral feeding intolerance as well as the different methods and standards that can be used.4 This can lead to difficulties in balancing safety with optimum nutritional provision in the clinical setting, which may create variability in the outcome of critically ill children. A need for more detailed studies with physiological measurements of enteral feeding intolerance and patient outcomes is evident, especially as there is some debate on whether GRV correlates with feeding intolerance or complications.5 This will help to redefine enteral feeding intolerance assessments and enable more informed enteral feeding decisions by clinicians.
References: 1. Mehta NM, et al. (2010). Challenges to optimal enteral nutrition in a multidisciplinary pediatric intensive care unit. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr.; 34(1): 38-45. 2. Eveleens RD, et al. (2020). Definitions, predictors and outcomes of feeding intolerance in critically ill children: A systematic review. Clin Nutr.; 39(3): 685-693. 3. Tume LN, et al. (2020). Barriers to Delivery of Enteral Nutrition in Pediatric Intensive Care: A World Survey. Pediatr Crit Care Med.; 21(9): e661-e671. 4. Li Y, et al. (2024). Measurements of enteral feeding intolerance in critically ill children: a scoping review. Front Pediatr.; 12: 1441171. 5. Tume LN, et al. (2017). Routine gastric residual volume measurement and energy target achievement in the PICU: a comparison study. Eur J Pediatr.; 176(12): 1637-1644.