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Associated groups

Associated groups

Through CN Magazine, we work closely with many groups, associations and charities involved in nutrition and dietetics.  Below are further details on the groups, associations and charities we work with, whether it be with regards to columns or articles within CN Magazine.

BAPEN* is a Charitable Association that raises awareness of malnutrition and works to advance the nutritional care of patients and those at risk from malnutrition in the wider community.

BAPEN brings together the strengths of its Core Groups to raise awareness and understanding of malnutrition in all settings and provides education, advice and resources to advance the nutritional care of patients and those at risk from malnutrition in the wider community.

BAPEN’s Core Groups include:

  • Dietitians – The Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition Group of the British Dietetic Association (PENG)
  • Doctors & Scientists:
    • BAPEN Medical
    • The British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN).
  • Nurses – National Nurses Nutrition Group (NNNG)
  • Patients – Patients on Intravenous and Nasogastric Nutrition Therapy (PINNT)
  • Pharmacists – British Pharmaceutical Nutrition Group (BPNG)

At BAPEN we are dedicated to working with patients and their carers, healthcare professionals (HCPs) across all disciplines, purchasers and providers of social care and governing health bodies throughout the UK to improve standards of nutritional care.

BAPEN members are passionate about ensuring that good nutritional care is delivered in all health and social care settings and have established the ‘BAPEN 4 Tenets of Good Nutritional Care’:

  1. IDENTIFICATION – Identify those with malnutrition or at risk of malnutrition through screening and assessment, e.g. the ‘Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool’ (‘MUST’)
  2. TREATMENT – Treat. Implement ‘individualised’ care pathways for the malnourished and those at risk appropriate to the care setting
  3. TRAINING – Provide training on the importance of nutritional care for all care staff appropriate to the care setting, their profession and their responsibilities
  4. MULTIDISCIPLINARY MANAGEMENT – Ensure multidisciplinary structures to manage and monitor nutritional care.

*BAPEN: the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

Contact details
Address: BAPEN Office, Seven Elms, Dark Lane, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire, B96 6HB
Tel: 01527 457 850

Click here to view the latest Column in CN Magazine.

hcpcThe Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is an independent, UK wide regulator who were set up to protect the public. This means that health and care professionals registered with us are genuine and meet national standards.

To do this, we:

  • Set standards for registrants’ education and training, professional skills, behaviour and health;
  • Keep a register of health and care professionals who meet those standards;
  • Approve programmes which professionals must complete to register with us; and
  • Take action when professionals on our Register do not meet our standards.

Protected titles
All of the professions that HCPC regulates has one or more protected titles. Only those on the Register can legally use one of these titles.

Checking the Register
Anyone can check the HCPC Register to find out if the health and care professional whose services you are using or intend to use is registered.

Raising a concern
The majority of professionals on our Register practise safely and effectively. On the rare occasion that something goes wrong, anyone can raise a concern with us. We are able to act where there are serious concerns about a health and care professionals practise or behaviour.

Contact details
For enquires on renewals, HCPC approved qualification applications, CPD, fees, online account activation or general queries about registration, please call: +44 (0)300 500 4472 or email:

For all other queries contact the main switchboard: +44 (0)300 500 6184.
To check the Register visit:
To raise a concern and see the type of cases we can consider visit:
Address: The Health and Care Professions Council, Park House, 184 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU

Click here to view the latest Column in CN Magazine.

NNEdPro is an award-winning, interdisciplinary think-tank, training academy and knowledge network anchored in Cambridge which provides a centre for global excellence, whilst working without borders. Our work has focused on developing adaptable and scalable models for medical nutrition education combining clinical/public health knowledge with leadership training to aid implementation in healthcare settings. On another hand, we have also undertaken a range of primary research studies and syntheses to fill key evidence gaps. In addition, our international work has defined a common denominator of knowledge required to translate Nutrition to practice in multiple settings, whilst appreciating key regional differences.

Our principal hubs are in Cambridge, London, Ulster and Parma. Our international networks, including regional hubs, extend from the Americas, through Africa and South Asia to Australasia. We work via strategic partnerships and key collaborations, connecting both individuals and institutions through membership of our academy as well as working via the members of our ‘virtual core’ and ‘specialised networks’. Working closely with diverse professional groups enables an inter-disciplinary knowledge-base that is greater than the sum of its parts. As we mark a decade of activity it is important to acknowledge those institutions or organisations which form our knowledge vanguard today, amplifying our impact footprint from science to society.

Our Vision: to establish the NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health as a world leading and highly innovative think-tank, training academy and knowledge network, bringing together the best of education, research, evaluation and advocacy, particularly in Nutrition-related aspects of health and healthcare systems.

Our Mission: to develop a critical mass of self-sustaining knowledge, skills and capacity in Nutrition and Health, within the global healthcare and public health workforce, resulting in significantly improved health practices and outcomes.

In 2018, along with the BMJ Group, we are delighted to have become co-founders of its first dedicated Nutrition journal, BMJ Nutrition, Prevention and Health, which will be an important vehicle for the translation of high-quality open knowledge to strengthen evidence-informed health policy and practice.

Please click here to learn more about us.

Contact details
If you are interested in our work and wish to get involved, please contact us at and browse our website:

You may also connect with us through social media:
Twitter: @NNEdPro
Instagram: @NNEedPro

Click here to view the latest article in CN Magazine.

The NNNG was founded in 1986 by nurses working in the field of Nutrition Support.

Our aim to provide a platform and voice for Nutrition Support Nursing in the UK. We promote education in nutrition support, clinical nutrition and related subjects for members of the nursing profession and wider professional fields, for the public benefit, and especially for the benefit of patients in the hospital and community.

The NNNG seeks to promote the vital role nurses play within the provision of nutrition to patients as well as the role of the specialist nurse within nutrition teams. An annual conference delivers virtual and/or face to face webinars and presentations promoting industry innovation, specialist topics and evidence base nutritional care. Best practice guidance can be found on the interactive website and downloaded for use in practice. Our interactive website sign posts news, updates, courses and workshops, social media links and opinion articles. These are regularly updated remaining current with news stories and social media trends.

The NNNG provide x 4 per year webinars, providing content across a range of Nutrition interest, innovation and subject matter. We also provide a free clinical supervision programme over 6/52 both in person and virtual for members, facilitated by fully trained CS-Nutrition Nurses. We promote personal and Professional development within a QI Improvement Model for implementation in practice. We align and deliver against the BAPEN Strategy for “Listen, Lead, Share and Support”. Sustainability is an essential pillar for our membership success.

Membership to the NNNG allows access to an online forum members can share best practice and ask questions which provides a valuable resource and support network. The committee represents the NNNG at national level on key areas within nutrition support including oral, enteral and parenteral care.

Membership also provides x 3 Newsletters,  in addition to a FREE Quarterly Nutrition Support supplement with the BJN and a 25% supplemented rate annually for members who sign up for an annual subscription.

While the aims and objectives of the NNNG remain the same, it now attracts and welcomes membership from a wider group including:

  • Nutrition nurse specialists
  • Lead nurses and matrons in nutrition
  • Staff nurses
  • Gastroenterology nurses
  • Student nurses
  • Dietitian’s
  • Nurse academics
  • Paediatric nurses
  • Paediatric nutrition nurses
  • Community paediatric nurses
  • Band 4 Nursing Associate Roles
  • Band 3 HCA
  • Advanced Care Practitioner and Advanced Nurse Trainees and Registered posts
  • Clinical Leads and Managers – including administration roles with Nutrition in their title or job description
  • Any other professional with an interest in nutrition.

You can find out more about us by visiting our website 
You can contact us by emailing 
You can follow us @NNNGUK
You can follow us on Linkedin
Private Facebook for members only.

Click here to view the latest Column in CN Magazine.

The Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition PENG was established in 1983 as a specialist group of the British Dietetic Association (BDA). It is a founder group of BAPEN. Over the years PENG has gained national and international reputation as a recognised authority on both practical and academic aspects of nutritional support. Today, PENG strives to support its network of Dietitians to deliver excellence in nutritional care through appropriate oral, enteral and parenteral nutrition and aims to achieve this through:

  • Providing a forum in which dietitians working in oral, enteral and parenteral nutrition can exchange ideas and develop best/evidence based practice
  • Acting as a voice of professional expertise and authority for and on behalf of dietitians working in oral, enteral and parenteral nutrition support
  • Working in partnership with key organisations including BAPEN, patient groups and the BDA to raise the profile of the importance of good nutritional care in all care settings
  • Supporting the development of resources for use by its members, patients and other healthcare professionals
  • Actively supporting dietitians to enhance knowledge and skills of clinical nutrition and nutrition support through the PENG educational events and bursaries and the PENG research mentoring scheme and grants.

To become a member of PENG, or to find out more, please visit or contact us at:

Click here to view the PENG column.

BSNAHIGHRES LogoThe British Specialist Nutrition Association (BSNA) is the voice of the specialist nutrition industry in the UK. We are a trade association representing manufacturers of high quality specialist nutritional and aseptically compounded products. Our members produce infant formula, follow-on formula, young child formula, complementary weaning foods, medical foods for diagnosed disorders and medical conditions, parenteral nutrition and provide aseptic compounding services for chemotherapy, antibiotics and Central Intravenous Additive Services (CIVAS).

Specialist nutrition products are developed on the basis of ongoing research, are supported by a foundation of scientific data, and are highly regulated. They are used in hospitals, nursing homes, and in the community.

Contact details
Tel: 02074207119
Twitter: @BSNA_UK

Click here to view the latest Column in CN Magazine.

The Nutrition Society was established in 1941 ‘to advance the scientific study of nutrition and its application to the maintenance of human and animal health’.

Highly regarded by the scientific community, the Society is the largest learned society for nutrition in Europe.

The Society is a not for profit, membership organisation. Those with a genuine interest in the science of human or animal nutrition can become a member. Membership is worldwide with a majority of members living in UK and Europe.

The Nutrition Society:

  • Publishes six renowned journals consisting of highly regarded scientific research
  • Creates and organises CPD accredited conferences disseminating cutting-edge nutrition science and attracting nutrition scientists
  • Collaborates and works with industry representatives, academics and researchers from the around the world
  • Offers CPD accredited training webinars and workshops to enhance and develop skills
  • Creates opportunities to network and develop relationships with like-minded individuals and communities
  • Publishes six highly regarded textbooks
  • Offers up to date news in areas of nutrition research.

Power up your career with the Nutrition Society Academy
Recognising the fast paced nature of nutrition science, the Society’s investment into its new Academy makes building and maintaining your CPD portfolio straight forward and cost effective. This new subscription platform provides you with webinars and courses to develop your nutritional science knowledge and enhance your professional skills.

The Academy’s webinars are individually priced from £15, or you can subscribe to benefit from unlimited access to live and on-demand webinars from as little as £2 per month, with new content added every month.

Contact details
Telephone: +44 (0)207 605 6555

Click here to view the latest Column in CN Magazine.

The BPNG (formerly the National TPN group, NTPNG) formed in 1988, was a core founding group of BAPEN. It was established to provide education, research and support product development in the area of parenteral nutrition and broader pharmaceutical nutrition.

Over 35 years the BPNG has worked with professional organisations, NHS bodies and industry to increase the awareness and safety of parenteral nutrition and associated aspects of pharmaceutical nutrition.

In addition to regular webinars and face to face educational events, the BPNG develops position statements and clinical practice resources.

Contact details
To find out more about the BPNG activities and resources visit our website:

Click here to view the latest Column in CN Magazine.

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