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The British Nutrition Foundation Welcomes the Children’s Wellbeing Bill

The British Nutrition Foundation welcomes the inclusion of the Children’s Wellbeing Bill in the Kings Speech, delivered in Parliament in July. The Bill includes measures that aim to put children’s wellbeing at the forefront of the education system and to remove barriers to opportunity. A range of education and care policies are covered in the bill including a requirement for free breakfast provision in all primary schools in England.

Children’s health is in crisis: more than one in five children are overweight or obese by age five and one in four children have tooth decay1, and these health outcomes are strongly linked to deprivation.
Elaine Hindal, Chief Executive of the Foundation said: “We urgently need action to improve children’s health and ensure that every child can thrive. We welcome this commitment to improving children’s wellbeing and we hope this is the beginning of a journey to tackling health inequalities and providing opportunities for all children.”


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