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RESOURCE OF THE MONTH: Resource ThickenUp Clear Research Outreach Article

Nestlé Health Science have proudly partnered with independent Speech and Language Therapist Sandra Robinson and Research Outreach to create an informative article: Thickeners, the evidence for their appropriate use in dysphagia management.

The research article explores the different ways in which dysphagia can affect an individual’s quality of life through physical health implications, as well as the social and psychological aspects of their life. It dives into the role of a Speech and Language Therapist involved in dysphagia management, including why training and support are key. Plus, the article also covers how using thickeners, such as Resource® ThickenUp® Clear, in clinical practice can play an important role in the management of patients with dysphagia.

Click here to read the article and contact your Nestlé Health Science Dysphagia Representative to learn more or request a hard copy of the full publication.

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