As reported by health care professionals blenderised foods being given to children requiring tube feeding is increasing.2 An acceptability and tolerance study was conducted on children, aged 1-14.1 Nineteen children were tube fed and given the formula Isosource® Junior Mix, for 7 days. Demographic and medical data were obtained; gastrointestinal tolerance including diarrhoea, vomiting and abdominal pain was recorded. Stool type was measured using the Bristol Stool Chart. Participants had a range of medical conditions including cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome. 16 participants completed the trial. A number of participants reported positive changes in stool consistency. One child saw improved mood, eye contact and concentration. Resolution in reflux and gradual decrease in retching were observed in 2 participants. Overall, Isosource® Junior Mix was well tolerated by most participants, with a decrease in GI symptoms and beneficial changes in stool type.
Food for Special Medical Purposes. Isosource® Junior Mix is an enteral tube feed for the dietary management of patients with or at risk of malnutrition. Use under medical supervision. For healthcare professionals only.
References: 1. Thornton-Wood et al. (2019). To evaluate the acceptability (including gastrointestinal tolerance and compliance) of a Paediatric enteral formula with ingredients derived from real food for children over 12 months of age. Abstract presented at ESPEN conference MON-LB699 Clinical Nutrition VOL. 38 SUPPLEMENT 1 SEPTEMBER 2019 S297–S322 S319.; 2. British Dietetic Association (2019) Policy Statement. Use of Liquidised Food with Enteral Feeding Tubes.