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The Malnutrition Pathway Launches New Microsite for the Primary Care Network Team

The Malnutrition Pathway has launched a new microsite ( which includes sections aimed at different …Read more

WHO Guideline Advises Not to Use Non-sugar Sweeteners for Weight Control

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) new guideline on non-sugar sweeteners (NSS), recommends against the use …Read more

Low Food Security Linked to Metabolic Syndrome in Reproductive-Aged Latinx Females

Not having reliable access to food has a significant relationship with metabolic syndrome, a condition …Read more

RESOURCE OF THE MONTH: Nutrinovo Launch NEW Patient Connect

A new way to send samples and receive valuable patient feedback
Patient Connect is a …Read more

Eating Meals Earlier Improves Metabolic Health

Eating more of one’s daily calories earlier in the day may counter weight gain, improve …Read more

Fatty Fish Consumption Increases Cell Membrane Fluidity

Eating fatty fish decreased the lipophilic index in people with impaired glucose metabolism or coronary …Read more

BMI Alone May Not be a Sufficient Indicator of Metabolic Health

Body mass index (BMI) is not a complete measure of metabolic health, and a high …Read more

Vitamin D Supplements May Reduce Risk of Serious Cardiovascular Events in Older People

Vitamin D supplements may reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attacks …Read more

PRODUCT OF THE MONTH: HyFIBER – Think Differently About Bowel Transit

HyFIBER is a low volume, liquid fibre supplement containing 12g of soluble fibre in each …Read more

Colourful Foods Improve Athletes’ Vision

A study by researchers from the University of Georgia proposes that supplementing the diet of …Read more

Study Finds when Healthy Buying Incentives are Removed, Food Consumers Choose Price Over Health

The study found that when you give food consumers temporary incentives to buy healthier foods, …Read more

Biracial Study Finds Pre-Teen Girls that Drink Fruit Juice Have Better Diets with No Adverse Effect on Weight

A study was recently published on-line in Beverages by Dr. Lynn L. Moore, a Professor …Read more

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