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WEBINAR OF THE MONTH: Managing Motor Neurone Disease, the Multi-Disciplinary Way – Nutrition & Swallowing

In this Webinar we will explore the way in which our multi-disciplinary team (MDT) works to manage the swallowing and nutritional care of our patients with a Motor Neurone Disease (MND) diagnosis both within our local community in Gateshead as well as part of the wider Regional MND MDT based in Newcastle. We will look at the roles of the Speech and Language Therapist, Dietitian and Nutrition Nurse and how they overlap as well as reflecting our own individual roles.

We will include our patient pathways for those with few symptoms affecting swallowing and nutritional intake to those who are completely reliant upon tube feeding and all of those in between, reflecting the challenges at each stage. We will consider the different skills of the team and the value of shared information and discussion.

We aim to work as part of an effective MDT with the patient at the centre of our interventions, prioritising their wishes around eating and drinking in a rapidly deteriorating condition. We will consider impairment and risk vs quality of life and patient choice, useful tools in dysphagia, communication and nutrition and holistic and patient-centred decision making. It takes confidence to have difficult conversations when people are already dealing with big changes, but this is always done with the support of the wider MDT.

Click here to watch the webinar.

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