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Industry News

Fruit and Veg Supply Issues Lead to Raised Blood Pressure

It is recognised that low fruit and vegetable consumption is a major, modifiable, risk factor …Read more

WEBINAR OF THE MONTH: Understanding fibre and its role in bowel transit disorders – with Anne Holdoway & Sophie Medlin

Nutrinovo are proud to be supporting an upcoming webinar, looking into fibre and its role …Read more

RESOURCE OF THE MONTH: New Pedi R-MAPP Nutrition Awareness Tool!

The Paediatric Remote Malnutrition Application (Pedi R-MAPP) is a validated, online web-based application designed to …Read more

Mediterranean Diet Associated with Decreased Risk of Dementia

Experts at Newcastle University found that individuals who ate a Mediterranean-like diet had up to …Read more

Peanut Allergies could Fall if Babies are Weaned Early on Peanut Products

If peanut products were added to all babies’ diets at 4-6 months of age, peanut …Read more

Mediterranean and Low Fat Diet Programmes Lower Risk of Death and Heart Attack in Patients at Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

A comparative review based on randomised trials of seven popular dietary programmes was published by …Read more

High Blood Caffeine Level Might Curb Amount of Body Fat and Type 2 Diabetes Risk

A high blood caffeine level might curb the amount of body fat a person carries …Read more

Calling all Dietitians, Nutrition Professionals and Students. The BDA Industry Specialist Group Has Officially Been Launched!

The Industry Specialist group will represent Dietitians working in all areas of industry where the …Read more

DON’T MISS…The 8th NNEdPro-IANE Foundation Certificate and Summer School in Applied Human Nutrition

The 8th NNEdPro-IANE Foundation Certificate and Summer School in Applied Human Nutrition is co-organised with the School of Advanced Studies on Food …Read more

Disturbances in Eating Behaviours Can Expose Female Athletes to Injuries and Earlier Termination of a Sports Career

A study from the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä …Read more

Mediterranean Diet is the Best Prevention Against Prostrate Cancer

Men who consume colourful fruits and vegetables on a regular basis are less likely to …Read more

MIND and Mediterranean Diets Associated with Fewer Alzheimer’s Plaques and Tangles

People who eat diets rich in green leafy vegetables as well as other vegetables, fruits, …Read more

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