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Industry News

RESOURCE OF THE MONTH: New Pedi R-MAPP nutrition awareness tool!

The Paediatric Remote Malnutrition Application (Pedi R-MAPP) is a validated, online web-based application designed to …Read more

Certain Gut Conditions May be Early Warning Signs of Parkinson’s Disease

Certain gut problems, such as constipation, difficulty swallowing, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), may be …Read more

British Nutrition Foundation to Coordinate Innovation Partnerships to Tackle the Key Research Questions for Global Health

Unhealthy diets are a major contributor to the global burden of disease. The Diet and …Read more

Only Half of 18-24s Understand Being Overweight Increases Cancer Risk

Fifty percent of 18-24-year-olds are aware that being overweight is linked to an increased risk …Read more

A Healthy Diet, Reading, and Doing Sports Promote Reasoning Skills in Children

According to a study conducted at the University of Eastern Finland, improved overall diet quality …Read more

Making Plant-Based Meat Alternatives More Palatable

Scientists, led by Professor Anwesha Sarkar at the University of Leeds, are revolutionising the sensation …Read more

Font Size Can ‘Nudge’ Customers Toward Healthier Food Choices

Restaurants can persuade patrons to choose healthier foods by adjusting the font size of numbers …Read more

Consuming Added Sugars May Increase Risk of Kidney Stones

A study in Frontiers in Nutrition has shown, for the first time, that an elevated …Read more

University of Minnesota-Led Study Links Long-Term Artificial Sweetener Intake to Increased Body Fat Adipose Tissue Volume

Published in the International Journal of Obesity, University of Minnesota Medical School and School of …Read more

Cleveland Clinic Researchers Confirm Early Intervention Curbs Peanut Allergies in Babies

Cleveland Clinic researchers have found that starting peanut oral immunotherapy under medical supervision during infancy …Read more

Efficacy of Telephone-Based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Weight Loss, Disordered Eating, and Psychological Distress After Bariatric Surgery

This randomised clinical trial, that included 306 adults, found that telephone-based cognitive behavioural therapy (tele-CBT) …Read more

JOB OF THE MONTH: Company Dietitian

Full-time/or part-time (4 days per week considered). 
Competitive salary, bonus, and the additional benefits that accompany …Read more

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