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WEBINAR OF THE MONTH: Non-Sugar Sweeteners: Balancing the Debate

This webinar, led by registered dietitians Dr. Paul McArdle and Nichola Ludlam-Raine provides an insightful …Read more

Research Shows Plant-Based Diet Significantly Reduces the Risk of Developing Type Two Diabetes

Research led by Queen’s University Belfast has found that a substantial number of type two …Read more

Study Sheds Light on the Connection Between the Microbiome and Kidney Stones

A study from Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University published in the journal Microbiome …Read more

Moderate Low-Carbohydrate Diet is Beneficial for Adults with Type 1 Diabetes

A moderate low-carbohydrate diet for adults with type 1 diabetes has advantages over traditional diet. …Read more

Aston University Research Identifies Four Eating Behaviour Patterns in Children

Children fall broadly into four eating categories, according to research at Aston University, and parents …Read more

Can a healthier diet be the answer to managing menopausal symptoms?

British Nutrition Foundation’s (BNF) scientific review released earlier this year, ‘The role of diet in …Read more

Practicing Mindfulness can Help People Make Heart-healthy Eating Choices

When people who had elevated blood pressure participated in an eight-week mindfulness-based blood pressure reduction …Read more

Red Meat Consumption Associated with Increased Type 2 Diabetes Risk

People who eat just two servings of red meat per week may have an increased …Read more

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